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Shauna Schneeman

A surprise proposal!

One early morning I woke up to a message in my inbox from an old friend. Giovanni let me know he had bought a ring as was eager to proposal to his girlfriend Jazilyn! He was so eager he asked if I would be available the next day to capture the moment!

I was so excited for him, but when I asked how he was planning to do it he said something along the lines of.. I have no idea.

It was pretty exciting to be apart of all this and with out any definite plans I was able to incorporate myself into the moment so I could get the best photos! (Although I would have happily hid behind a building and shot from a distance if I needed to)

Giovanni choose a pretty location I recommend to lots of my clients and the plans took off from there!

Now our plans incorporated a lot of me acting.. And although I did drama in high school, I am a TERRIBLE liar!

I got to the park 10 minutes early to begin my role...

Giovannia and Jazilyn strolled into the park for what Jazi thought was a walk before dinner.

I approached them and of course was so shocked to see Giovanni because it had been so long and was such a surprise (; Then my line went, "You know I was meeting a client here, but they never showed up and I am already here. Are you guys busy? Would you like some photos done?" My acting was perfect! But I was sweating bullets so that may have given away that I was nervous!

Giovanni had actually only seen photos I had sent to him of the location so to ensure he liked the spot I had him meet me at I said, Hey do guys like this spot? We could go to another if you'd like?"

Giovanni got my hint and said, "no, we like it here!"

We decided during our initial conversation the code word for I am prepared for you to get down on a knee would be, "Okay do something silly!"

Giovanni was so smooth and got down with ease and let the words come to him! Jazilyn was in tears almost immediately!

As we walked to other locations in the park to show off her new ring I got to know a lot about the both of them. They are both young, but so mature! They have so much to look forward to in their near futures! So many goals and plans!

They compliment one another so perfectly! They were nothing but giggles and smiles the whole afternoon! We had so much fun!

When I pulled out a sharpie and asked Jazilyn if she was comfortable writing on her hand she shrieked and said "Oh my god I love you! I saw this on pintrest, too!" ..Glad I am not the only one on pintrest!

Plus.. how perfect is her handwriting?!

I had such a great time with this couple and I was so happy to be apart of this! & I am so excited for them! Nothing is sweeter then young love, my husband and I were married 3 weeks after my 18th birthday. Nothing bonded us more then growing and learning about life together.

I wish nothing but the best for Giovanni and Jazilyn in their upcoming journey!


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