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Shauna Schneeman

Ashton's Newborn Session

I just need to start out with I thought I did so good last year with my blogs.. I was really on top of them. But, then the fall happened and then it just all went down hill. So, now we're here and I am doing my usual "post all the blogs at once". I am going to give my self some grace though. It was a wild fall! I can't be upset about being too busy shooting to post the blogs. I am incredible thankful for being as busy as I have been.

One of the best reasons I am busy is because of Loyal clients like the Riveras. Their sweet little addition Ashton was born this past fall and they didn't actually book me for a newborn session. So, I let them know I was coming by to do one anyways. See because the Rivera's have been loyal clients and great friends of mine since I very first started and I was going to be by their house so I just demanded I come by and meet their little babe and get some pictures. I also just love hanging out with them so it was a blast.

Their little babe was an absolute dream! I actually gave up on newborn photos years ago, but last year I found out a way that has been extremely successful and comfortable. Clients have been loving it and so have I.

So, so glad I was able to do these photos for Jazi and Gio and their sweet family. I was unable to do their oldest daughter's newborns so I felt this need to make sure I did little Ashtons.

And with that guys, stay tuned for many more blogs because I have A LOT to share!


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You always capture beautiful pictures of my daughter's family!!! I can't wait until the newest addition is here so I can get a family session of my girls, grandbabies and me!!

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